Construct - Issue 49
ST JOHN'S WOOD HIGH STREET IN NUMBERS 3,607m 2 of public realm enhancements 17 new trees 20 new cycle stands
33tCO 2 e carbon saving
one-way, widening footways by 1m on both sides of the road to give more space for pedestrians, changing junction layouts to reduce traffic speeds and make it easier for pedestrians to cross, installing new streetlights and benches, and planting 17 trees to provide urban shading and improve air quality. Once the project was on the ground, FM Conway employed a full-time project liaison officer who spoke with residents, business owners and visitors every day to understand their concerns and ensure the works caused the least disruption possible. And at the end of the job, a post-construction survey was carried out to establish how the scheme had been received locally and how well the construction process had been managed. The survey showed that most people are pleased with the enhancements and were happy with the overall management and execution of the construction and with communication during the works. It also provided some useful feedback for future projects, particularly on ensuring that people with disabilities can navigate through sites.
Westminster’s aims to reduce carbon. The City Council wants to incorporate low carbon methods and materials in future projects and had agreed with FM Conway that the St John’s Wood High Street enhancements should be the City’s first low carbon public realm scheme. “We’ve previously adopted low carbon practices for smaller tasks and on smaller scale projects, but this was a really good opportunity to see how easy it would be to upscale,” says FM Conway senior contracts manager Derek Sampson. The scheme achieved an 83% reduction in carbon compared with traditional methods, mainly by using electric-powered plant and equipment, as well as sourcing materials close to home. “We share Westminster’s appetite and ambition to deliver public realm improvements while reducing carbon, and we will continue innovating so that we can achieve that,” says Maria. “We also want to make sure that there is two way communication between us and our customers throughout all our projects. Communication should be a continual process.”
Project St John’s Wood High Street Public Realm Improvements Client The City of Westminster Contract period 2021 - 2024 Contract value £2.02M FM Conway divisions - Term Maintenance - Surfacing - Lighting - Water and Drainage Management
Another issue that emerged from the survey was that residents and businesses support
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