FM Conway - Going the Extra Mile


T his book is an attempt to capture some of the challenges and successes, some of the heartache and the joy of the first fifty three years of F.M. Conway Ltd. To all those people who took part in this story, and who contributed so much to our shared success – this book is dedicated to you with all my thanks. The story of the company has been put together with the help of a number of long-serving (and more recent) members of staff. It represents our collective memory, our working heritage. There has not been time, regrettably, to speak to every single person who has worked for the business. A book of this kind can only ever skim across the surface; there will inevitably be gaps in the story. I hope, however, that when you read the story, and talk about it with your friends and colleagues, you will fill in those gaps together. There is no role within the company, and no person who has worked for it, who does not deserve an equal mention alongside the others. The story of our company is a remarkable journey, and I would like to thank you personally for having joined me on that journey. But we should remember that the Conway journey is only just beginning. Fifty-three years may be a long period in the life of any one person, but it represents only the first steps in the life of the company. So, although this book focuses on our past, I want to use it to welcome you to the next important steps in the history of F.M. Conway Ltd. – the future!

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