Westminster City Council King Street Low Carbon Trial


There are a number of recommendations to take forward from this first trial, but the main point is that it demonstrates prohibiting diesel from site makes a significant impact on operational carbon, and the reduction of cementitious products provides embodied savings. For further progress, some more strategic leadership is required, to set out the targets and give direction on the way forward. This steering group would drive the changes required to make the low carbon model truly effective across all the Highways contracts.

The recommendations below outline the steps required to meet the 2030 target:

• Vision: • Work with Westminster Corporate Leadership to understand the goals • Set out a road map to 2030, introducing key milestones • Expand the Carbon Working Group to explore where the carbon savings can be made both operationally and embodied • Strategic: • Share findings with other local councils to drive demand • Understand the thinking across the industry bodies, and similar national and international authorities • Set out needs in procurement documents • Ensure third parties are informed and following the guidance • Source additional funding from central Government and elsewhere to fund the shortfall in costs • Use central compounds to reduce delivery mileage and increase charging capabilities • Closer liaison with the Westminster EV Team to increase power options in the City • Trial the use of mobile power solutions • Design: • Review current specifications to identify areas where low carbon options can be substituted • Design schemes with carbon in mind at an early stage, exploring recycled and reused materials • Monitor and benchmark low carbon schemes and record on the carbon calculator • Suppliers: • Work closely with like-minded suppliers to innovate low carbon products, vehicles and machinery • Have joint workshops with suppliers to set out needs and drive innovation • Build resilience by working with suppliers to have backup plant • Operations: • Agree low carbon programme of works with Westminster to increase demand • Ban diesel on sites for all travel, deliveries and visitors • Programme multiple works with electric equipment to increase efficiency • Use local teams to reduce travel mileage • Introduce electric welfare compounds on all sites • Encourage ideas from site on carbon savings and waste reduction


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