Employee Handbook


Visitors Visitors are welcome at FM Conway. If you have arranged an appointment with an external visitor it is your responsibility to ensure that your they are looked after during the time they are on our premises and they should be made aware of our Fire Procedure and escape routes. All visitors must be recorded into and out of our premises and locations. Personal property Please do not bring valuables or large sums of money to work with you as we cannot accept responsibility for any personal property on our premises. Building security Each and every one of us must contribute towards security by adhering to the security rules, challenging anyone on company premises not displaying identification and following any related instructed and guidance to protect company property. At Conway House, anyone entering or leaving the building, for whatever period, must security card ‘swipe’ in and out. All employees must ensure that their identification security cards are not left unattended out of their possession.

It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent the theft or damage of goods, company property, plant on external hire and resources.

Our security rules are designed to minimise the risk of loss, and we require your fullest co-operation in implementing, maintaining, and improving our procedures.

Our rules and procedures are also designed to protect you. Failure to follow security rules may lead to the inference that you have acted dishonestly.

We may use a variety of security and surveillance techniques for the protection and management of the business and its employees; including monitoring communication, CCTV cameras, vehicle cameras and trackers and the right to search. If you notice anything suspicious, report it to your manager or another available member of management as soon as possible. Any suggestions for improvements in the Security Procedures are always most welcome – these should be taken up with your line manager in the first instance. Customer Care team The Customer Care team are responsible for monitoring and managing any incidents or accidents at work. If you are involved in any type of incident either in a company vehicle, on site or with a member of the public, please report it first to your line manager and then to Customer Care. The team will support you and manage the exposure of risk to the business. The team are there to protect you and manage FM Conway’s exposure to risk. They will not reprimand you.

Customer Care can be contacted on 01732 600 888 or customer.care@fmconway.co.uk

Right of search

In the interests of security, we reserve the right of search. Searches of employees, their bags, other possessions, and vehicles may take place from time to time. You may, if you wish, be accompanied by a colleague during the search.



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