Employee Handbook
Notification All unplanned absences must be reported to your line manager as early as possible, but no less than 30 minutes before you are due to start work on the first day of absence. Contact should be made directly by you, not text message, and only in exceptional circumstances should partners, parents or friends make contact on your behalf. If your absence continues for more than one day, you must keep your manager informed on every subsequent day for the first seven days. Following that, the frequency can be agreed with your manager, but as a minimum on a weekly basis until your return.
Jury service If you must attend court for jury service or as a witness, please let us know as soon as possible and provide a copy of the court summons to support your request for time off work. Payment of salary during this period is at the absolute discretion of FM Conway. You may be able to claim compensation from the Court for loss of earnings, and childcare expenses of applicable. FM Conway will be able to provide you with a Certificate of Loss of Earnings.
If you attend court and are told your services are not required that day, you must telephone us immediately and then return to work.
For more information, please refer to the Jury Service Policy on the IMS.
Absences lasting seven days or less (Saturday and Sunday included) can be self- certified; this form can be found on Conway Connect.
Time off for dependant emergencies • As a family business we recognise and support the right of all colleagues to reasonable amounts of unpaid leave to deal with emergency situations involving a dependant, such as illness, injury, giving birth • When care arrangements unexpectedly break down • The death of a dependant • To deal with an unexpected incident involving a child at school Anyone wishing to take leave to deal with any of the above must telephone their line manager personally prior to the start of their working day giving the reason for their absence and the expected duration. Severe weather and disruptions to travel Severe weather conditions or major disruptions to public transport (for example, train strikes or accidents on the roads) happen from time to time. FM Conway strives to balance protecting the health and safety of all our colleagues with the needs of our business and clients. You are expected to make every effort to attend work in all circumstances, taking advice on the position from the appropriate external agencies. You may need to allow extra time for your journey or, make alternative travel arrangements. Where our SHEQ department finds that extreme weather or disruption may present a risk to the health and safety of our people, they will communicate their specific advice and recommendations.
Absences longer than seven days (Saturday and Sunday included) require a ‘statement of fitness for work’ (also known as a ‘it note’) signed by your doctor. This must be sent promptly to your manager. For longer absences, please make sure that you supply a new medical certificate as soon as the old one expires.
During all periods of absence, your manager will maintain contact with you.
For more information please refer to the Absence Policy on the IMS.
Medical/dental appointments Where possible, appointments should be made outside of working hours. Where this is not possible, they should be made at the start or end of the day. You must inform your line manager of any such appointments in advance and at your manager’s discretion you may be asked to make the time up. Compassionate leave In cases of bereavement involving immediate family, an appropriate period of paid leave will be granted at the discretion of management. Any other time off for attending funerals, religious services etc. should be taken from your holiday entitlement unless otherwise agreed.
For more information, please refer to the Compassionate Leave Policy and the Parental Bereavement Leave Policy on the IMS.
For more information please refer to our Inclement Weather – Transport Disruption Policy.
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