Employee Handbook
Passwords and security You will be required to use passwords on all IT equipment allocated to you and change them frequently. Do not share your login details or use anyone else’s. Device protection Do not leave your device unattended, or without a locked screen – other people may be able to view confidential information or access data. Always be aware of protecting confidential information.
Never use your work email address to sign up for personal social media. Please be aware that we may monitor social media use in the same way as we monitor Internet usage. Harassment, bullying or inappropriate behaviour on social media will be dealt with in the same manner as if it had happened in the workplace.
Any contacts created on social media through your employment are the property of FM Conway.
IT service desk The IT Service Desk provides technical and functional support and incident management across our core infrastructure components, business systems and user equipment. The IT Service Desk is available from 7:30am to 5:30pm, Mon - Fri. You can contact the team by emailing it.servicedesk@fmconway.co.uk , your email will generate a ticket reference and a member of the team will contact you as soon as possible. If you need to phone the IT Service Desk, they can be contacted on 01732 600 800 . There is also an out of hours support number in case of emergency, for example: a full site outage. In these instances, please contact 07500 788 267 .
Social media
Social media content produced in our name must be approved by our Marketing department. Even if it is published using your own profile, you will be representing FM Conway and content must reflect our values, be in our best interests, be grammatically correct, accurate, objectively justifiable, reasonable, and appropriate.
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