Employee Handbook

Recruitment, training and development


Referral bonus scheme FM Conway believes that colleagues can make a major contribution to FM Conway’s recruitment activities. FM Conway will reward any employee who introduces a candidate that is subsequently employed and successfully passes their probationary period.

FM Conway is an equal opportunities employer. We will advertise most positions internally, as well as externally where appropriate.

If you wish to apply for an internal vacancy you should inform your line manager, out of courtesy. All applications should be made through Conway Connect and, as with all employee information, applications are held in the strictest confidence. If an applicant, either external or a current employee, needs any specific help to enable them to apply for a role due to a disability, they should make this clear as part of their application. Candidates will be screened and interviewed fairly, objectively and without unlawful bias, ensuring the person who best meets the criteria for the job is successful. Specifications for the job and the person will be limited to necessary requirements for effective performance.

For more information, please refer to our Employee Referral Bonus Policy on the IMS.

Equal opportunities and diversity FM Conway is committed to ensuring that equal opportunities are provided to all employees and job applicants regardless of sex, sexual orientation and transgender status, age, marital status, religion or belief, race, ethnic origin, nationality, disability or any other protected characteristic. We remind you that the responsibility for preventing discrimination in the workplace is shared by every company employee. You are legally obliged to ensure that you do not unlawfully discriminate or knowingly aid others to do so. For more information, please refer to the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy on the IMS.

For internal candidates, the normal notice period will apply.

For more information, please refer to the Recruitment & Selection Policy on the IMS.


Photo - Graduate training scheme


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