Great Leaders Programme - Aspiring Directors Application Summary

Aspiring Directors Application Summary

All Great People




Summary of Recommendation


Of the 20 applicants who wish to take part in the programme we would like to recommend 1 2 are shortlisted to take part on this occasion.

2 3 4 6 8


Summary of Recommendation

Ed Barford

Adam Barnes


Jo Barrett

10 12 14 16 18

Steve Chapman

Ella Cole

Shortlisted for Aspiring Director (12):

Kevin Gormley Mark Goudy Darren Harlen Alnur Hassam James Head Liam McGoldrick Maria Pratt Oliver Scutts Matt Smith Andy Thomas Daniel Thomas Kamal Uddin Mark Whelehan

• Ed Barford • Adam Barnes • Jonathan Barrett • Ella Cole

20 22 24 26 28 30 34 36 38 40 42

• Mark Goudy • James Head • Maria Pratt • Matt Smith

• Andy Thomas • Kamal Uddin • Mark Whelehan • Julian Wynn

Julian Wynn

Offer Middle Leaders (4):


• Steve Chapman • Alnur Hassam • Liam McGoldrick • Oliver Scutts

Please find enclosed the proposals put forward by those applying for the Great Leaders Aspiring Directors Programme. We have viewed each against a matrix to identify those that are both of high ‘Value’ and ‘Easy to Do’. These are summarised and open to further discussion.

The detail of each proposal is also provided separately.

Defer until 2022 (2):

Please note that we are attempting to focus on the underlying idea behind each proposal and the positive impact that it could potentially have for the business.

• Andy Best • Darren Harlen

Some of the proposals outline the premise on which it is based. This is not our focus. The language can be quite negative on a narrowly focused issue and can misrepresent the applicants complete understanding i.e., it can be read ‘out of context’. Our focus is therefore strictly on the positive impact of the idea and the value it could add to our business.

Cohort Two (2):

• Kevin Gormley • Daniel Thomas



Ed Barford

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL An aspect of the business that I feel needs improvement is the so-called “silo mentality” whereby we often appear to be operating as distinct areas of activity, with insufficient understanding and appreciation of other areas of the business. In my role, as Head of the Westminster contract, I am very much aware of the importance of our different areas of expertise working closely and collaboratively and have witnessed just what can be achieved when they do. At an operational level, we work in divisions, but we should not be divided. At a wider level, we operate all sorts of support services to our operational teams, but it is often the case that people are not aware of what life can be like in each other’s shoes. • A Day in My Shoes: This would see people experience a day in the life of someone in a completely different area of the business, perhaps even helping in some way for the day as a sort of internal work experience placement. • Site/Plant Visits: This would see groups of people attending supervised visits to working sites (if they are plant or depot based) or to plants/depots (if they are site based). • Coffee Break Calls: Participants are randomly paired with other participants for an informal 30-minute video chat with each other, with no set agenda other than to meet and talk with others from all areas of the business. • Spotlight on Staff Videos: These would be short videos documenting a typical day or week of staff members from across the whole spectrum. • Meet the Board: Anyone from any part of the company is given the opportunity to enter a ballot to attend a video call with the FMC Board. I feel that introducing initiatives such as these would help us retain the small business feel as we continue to grow and help people to feel included as part of the wider business. There would potentially be numerous benefits to productivity, efficiency, well-being and staff retention. My suggestions to help improve this would include:

THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL My proposal for a business development initiative is something that I believe will be relatively easy to implement, but that will support all three of the strategic pillars. Our vehicles are collectively one of our largest assets. They are key to our self-delivery model but are also unfortunately responsible for generating a large proportion of carbon emissions associated with site works. There are also large numbers of vehicles, carrying out numerous journeys each day and this can generate large amounts of data. I proposal to introduce a driver behaviour and journey analytics programme. By focussing on the journeys that are made the reasons they are made and the way in which they are made, there will be benefits to each of the three beneath areas: - Carbon and the Environment The programme would include a detailed analysis of the journeys that are made each day with a view to reducing the overall number of miles driven through initiatives such as journey sharing, redeployment of staff to local contracts. It would also allow those vehicles most suitable for replacement with electric alternatives to be identified. Additionally, it would look to introduce departmental KPIs around driving style (e.g., mpg/harsh acceleration & braking) Technology We already collect data on our vehicle’s movements, however a holistic and detailed analysis via Map16 would give us some powerful tools. As well as supporting the Carbon and Self-Delivery initiatives, the programme would also investigate the other ways in which we can use the data generated through vehicle tracking as well as what other data could be collected by our vehicles as they drive through the streets of our customers. Self-Delivery Our ability to deliver our own people, plant and materials to site and remove our own waste is key to the success of the self-delivery model. The programme would allow us to provide unrivalled customer service to our own sites. By assisting with the scheduling of journeys, predicting journey times and providing live updates to site, our site’s work can be planned efficiently around the timings of deliveries and collections.


Wendy: Application was acceptable and provided a lot of detail. Useful ideas suggested.

Sam: Generic answers, development strategic, lengthy, had researched leadership and dropped into his application. Sue: Meets eligibility criteria, operating at the required level to enter the programme. However, has not yet finished his previous studies. Would benefit from working with peer group.

Decision: Shortlist



Adam Barnes

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL As the business continues to grow and expand, the effects of becoming siloed into one area of the business are increasing due to the focus placed on the individual’s success of that area. This is apparent across every level of the business from Operative to Manager, Administration to Procurement etc… Greater visibility of the business is needed to create an understanding of the different roles and responsibilities within the business. To create a solution for this I suggest that the company induction process is extended in time and a plan/programme is provided to everyone from the onset of their employment which gives people insight, and most importantly, experience in different roles and divisions. This could be in the shape of working with/shadowing an existing member of staff in a different role or department for a period. This would be in rotation around the company. This would ultimately take place over a longer period of time, covering a number of different parts of the business. i.e., this could be 1-2 days per month in a different area of the business for the first six months (probation period) of the person’s employment. This could be applied to existing members of staff too once a plan/programme has been drawn up for each level of employment. I fully understand there is an associated “on cost” to this but I would see this more of an investment in time initially that would be reciprocated in building relations, a greater understanding of the company’s processes and procedures and ultimately increasing the individual’s efficiency based on information gained. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL Following my recent visit to Erith Asphalt plant I think that there is significant scope to improve operational down time through a managed asset management approach. I will note at this point that my knowledge on A&A operations is limited and in fact, this was my one and only visit to an A&A site in almost eight years of employment! There are a few key points I picked up from my visit. It was apparent after speaking to the Plant Manager that downtime of plant and operations was regularly down to mechanical failure of components. Linking back to the use technology, there are some very simple and intuitive asset management systems that could be employed to monitor run time, utilisation, condition and ultimately drive a proactive management system of M&E components. This could create a lifecycle plan and planned preventative maintenance programme that will improve downtime within the plant. Secondly on from the same visit, focussing on self-delivery, it was clear that the majority of electrical call outs were given to a preferred subcontractor. FM Conway has their own plant and workshop mechanics and engineers – it seems reasonable to suggest that FM Conway would have its own electrical engineer or specialist. Every element of the plants require power, taking it back to first principles, without power we have no operations. We should therefore be looking to upskill or employ someone in-house that can work on and gain the experience on our own systems. This may also lead to further innovations for our particular plant set ups if there is a vested interest in their continued success, as opposed to a subcontractor who relies on our plant failing to earn revenue for their own business.


Wendy: His application supported the need to improve the company culture, thought outside the box regarding project proposals. Good application. Sam: Leadership explanation good, good ideas, drilled down into proposals not just for his own division but the business. Sue: Late with submission, missed deadline. Operating at the right level to enter the programme. Would benefit from taking part in the programme and working with peer group.

Decision: Shortlist



Jo Barrett

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL Within Term Maintenance there are a wide range of day rates paid to operatives which cause various issues with men working across the different boroughs. I would look to implement a standardised pay scale which would be based on experience, capability, and training. I believe this would offer greater clarity and transparency for both managers and operatives leading to improved staff retention at FM Conway. It would enable operatives to see a clear path for progression and would allow managers to set out clear SMART objectives, that need to be met prior to any pay increase. Alongside this standardised pay scale, I would still maintain price work/productivity bonuses, thereby allowing an opportunity and incentive for operatives to be rewarded. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL Under the pillar of Carbon and the Environment, I would like to re-investigate the re-dressing of granite kerbs for use across Term Maintenance and other areas of the business. I believe with the increased cost of shipping, the drive to reduce our carbon footprint and the wish to be more environmentally friendly, the re-use of kerbs on site is an area where a significant carbon/environmental saving could be made. I first investigated this 15 years ago when, the cost of re-dressing granite kerbs in the UK was considered prohibitive compared to the cost of new ones from China. However, with recent unstable and increased freight costs, and both ourselves and clients wishing to reduce our carbon footprint, this is something that I would like to be investigated again. Priorities have shifted and financial cost can no longer be the main driver. ln addition, there may also be the opportunity to extend this service and supply to a wider market if there is enough appetite within the industry to embrace this. As an example of a current potential opportunity, the Sloane Street scheme in RBKC is looking to replace around 2000m of kerb, which could enable FM Conway to acquire a stock of kerb which could be re-dressed and used on other schemes.


Wendy: Application good. Proposals were good practical ideas. A quiet leader who could benefit from the opportunity to work with his peer group. Supports the sustainability/carbon pillar and commercial benefit for the business and our clients. Sam: Loved his kerb idea. Big picture thinking, thoughtful application. Would benefit from taking part in the programme. Sue: Late with submission, but this was because he was waiting for his Director to confirm he could apply. A good application, well thought out.

Decision: Shortlist



Steve Chapman

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL We have been working closely, looking at solutions and improvement for connected buildings, sensors and digital city mapping platforms. These smart systems will enable us to solve the problem of assisting our clients with their asset management and maintenance regimes. We have for many years been rolling out central management systems and smart lighting with remote control and monitoring across many of our core contracts. I have personally been heading up our works with two leading contractors delivering small cell installations for many of the mobile network operators. The cells are currently for 4G but will soon be swapped out for 5G cells preparing us as a nation for the future and providing a ground-breaking and exciting solution. Recently I have been working with MAP-16 developing mobile paperless working for our ICP and Small Cells delivery. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL I was recently privileged to be on a call with Adam Green where he showed me the business’ 10- year plan. I was excited to see our plans on smart technologies and feel that I could assist in the development of the business in this area. The Lighting division has been at the forefront of smart technologies within FM Conway. We have recently introduced our own branded SureCharge electric vehicle charger solution which is being rolled out in various London Borough’s. I was also the lead on a connected street infrastructure project in Hammersmith and Fulham. Recently I have been working with Map16 developing mobile paperless working for our ICP and Small Cells delivery. The technological area of the business and its development can only be assured by close monitoring of advancements and continual consideration of exploiting its full potential to fully meet all client expectations. This is of great interest to me and carries a lot of efficiencies for the business.


Wendy: Application was acceptable. Lacked direction regarding project proposals.

Sam: Lacked innovative strategic thinking. Loyal, dependable, good leadership explanation.

Sue: Not one of the strongest applicants. Would benefit from Middle Leaders programme working with peer group in other divisions to provide development opportunity and broaden his knowledge of the different divisions.

Decision: Offer Middle Leaders



Ella Cole

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL The Central Services team’s processes and procedures are extremely manually intensive, and a significant amount of time, energy and money is wasted. The entire system base needs a complete overhaul, and we need to move forward digitally. Paper timesheets need to be replaced with digital timesheets. i-CON needs to be developed from the “out of the box” system we are using to the best of breed application that it should be. Management processes should be run through employee self-service as should training requirements and booking of courses. Workflows need to be implemented to remove the need for constant calendar reminders (that get forgotten if someone leaves). Integrations need to be built between systems such as DocuSign and i-CON. OAC has revolutionised our analysis of management information, but further dashboards need to be built that we can share with the business to demonstrate our value add and successes. By removing all of our manual processes our manual entry error rate will fall, a considerable amount of time will be saved, and the team can focus on value added initiatives rather than constant data inputting. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL I believe before we do anything else, we need to use the Technology Pillar to get every single employee on the FM Conway network via a phone or iPad. This would not just impact one area of the business, but the entire business. By being able to engage with our employees on a daily basis I truly believe it will impact our attrition and absence rates. Health and safety messages can be shared in a more reliable & consistent way than hoping Supervisors will deliver a toolbox talk message - a) in the way it was intended and b) at all. Timesheets can more easily be digitalised, working time directive and driving licence checks can easily be monitored, expenses and receipting could be done quickly on a mobile phone rather than having to log onto i-CON on a laptop over the VPN. Self-service could be accessible so applicable training can be booked and approved within minutes without having to email the training team. Employee life cycle processes such as changes to employment and notification of leavers could also be done over self-service making the process quicker, easier and more accurate and remove the need for emails. The above list does not include the vast operational benefits that I’m sure would come from everyone having access to an FM Conway device. We have already seen the benefits of applications such as field service, however the possibilities are endless. This would need to be delivered not just as a technology project, but a fundamental cultural shift to the way we work. We will only see results if the business is engaged and everyone uses the apps. We know from the Toolbox Talk app that it is extremely successful where it is being used, but buy-in is poor in certain areas and as a business we are not good at mandating process change.


Wendy: Application was good and relevant. In my opinion a future leader for the organisation. Would benefit from working with her peer group as part of this programme. Sam: Great leadership description, wider strategic thinking, would benefit from greater exposure to the business at this level. Sue: Late application but very good. Would benefit from taking part in the programme working with peer group.

Decision: Shortlist



Kevin Gormley

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL On several occasions in recent years a lack of communication between our divisions has been responsible for unnecessary and avoidable situations. Whether in the form of commercial disputes or operational failing, most of the situations are unnecessary and avoidable with better communication. I often feel that we need a platform to discuss inter-divisional business. My suggestion is to provide such a platform by following a similar format to the Directors monthly SHEQ meeting, in that each division is to be represented and given a 10 min (max) slot to engage other divisions as required. This would provide better communication and create accountability. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL We will shortly be rolling out a new software application for the Traffic Management division, the software is essentially a works management program that has been designed for specific business needs. I would like to use all three of the pillars as an example of how it will add value to our business. Self-Delivery - The program will ensure that we have greater live visibility of resource utilisation/ availability, meaning that we can always be confident that we maximise self-delivery.


Wendy: Application was not strategic enough. Good application, very focused on his own area of expertise. Would benefit from taking part in the programme.

Sam: Liked his leadership answer, contribution and ideas were operational.

Sue: Late application - concentrated on his own operational area rather than wider business. Would benefit from a programme of this type. Consider Cohort Two to avoid working with direct Line Manager if they are shortlisted.

Decision: Aspiring Directors – Cohort Two

Technology - By linking the program via API to Map16 we will be able to develop a TM specific service that has wider application uses to our many Utility customers.

Carbon Reduction - The program will enable us to utilise smart planning to minimize road miles with economical journey planning.



Mark Goudy

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL Programme Management and ultimately change management across a number of departments. There are inconsistencies across the business with the production and management of programmes. Although each client has differing needs with respect to programmes, most are catching up with the requirements of the term contracts for TfL, Westminster and Southwark with the need for a fully integrated Master Programmes. This includes the cradle to grave delivery from concept through to design, delivery and maintenance with key milestones and stage gates. Having worked alongside some consultant programme managers in the business, there is common ground on the contracts they have worked and where I have taken over contracts and established the programme. Other departments use excel and powerpoint to present detailed programme of works, that don’t capture change and aren’t managed in an efficient manner. Although fit for the initial purpose of knowing when some works will go to ground, the pre- site stages (permits) are all captured through mixture of differing trackers held remotely on each person’s laptop. Solution A Programme Management Team spread across the business that sit with each discipline and each term contract as required, to facilitate the programming of the works ensuring continuity in the approach and similar stage gates. This will not take responsibility away from those running the contract and or works but will allow them to see all parts of the process in one succinct programme. For example: A Surfacing scheme in August, needs both the TM and Lining teams to support them on the night of the works along with A&A. Ahead of these works, the permits need to be placed and granted, which if working within TfL is a three-month process. Ahead of the permits there are need for designs, investigations, cores and the full contractual requirements. Any delay in any element of this process can have an impact on the next and cause a delay.

THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL The following answer will build on the area of the business where I believe improvements can be made (Programme Management) and with a focus on Technology. Technological development across the industry has accelerated as a response to dealing with the working conditions enforced around COVID-19. This has included remote working, and less focus on direct coordination with operatives on site activities. Programme updates are being carried out by photographs uploaded to a cloud based shared access area with narrative supplied by the operatives. Although each customer has different needs, there are common criteria that need to be captured, including number of defects on highways and footways, change control across larger schemes, leading to design alterations or a requirement for extension of time due to delays. Producing a fully automated system that would allow updates from site, capturing all the above activities, feeding directly into a programme update and in turn shared with a customer’s system, would solve several Key Success Factors (KSFs). This would not only include the frontend operations of progress, but would also be linked to the commercial disputes, automatic payment structures and claims for works completed. A large focus would be placed on a detailed training structure for the rollout of this system, with regular audits necessary. These efficiencies would leave the contract manager open to engage with the customer as desired through KSFs, but due to the method in which data would be presented, this face-to-face time would be reduced. Each customer would receive a bespoke technological solution, which although costly, would likely be cost neutral due to the length of contracts and clearly beneficial in view of the long-term strategic thinking of both contract extensions and new contracts all together. Although a bespoke tech solution, the parameters of the programme will remain the same. This option would place a lot of emphasis on the correct data being collected at source, which could open risks. There would also be concerns over the integration with government systems, due to the historic nature of them. Due to the likelihood of upgrades over the period of the contract.


Wendy: Application was acceptable. Proposals were not presented as well as others.

Sam: Leadership explanation ok. On a senior level qualification at present so surprised his application was not strategic in its approach. Sue: Will complete an MBA December 2021 which he commenced with previous employer. Believe he is self- funding at present. Could benefit from working with his peer group but would not need sponsorship for further studies. Shortlist for Strengthscope, workshops etc.

Decision: Shortlist



Darren Harlen

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL Collaboration: During my time at FM Conway, I have seen a great improvement in this area but there is still room for more. Consultancy work closely with many of the other divisions, but the collaboration is mainly through partnerships that have developed by individuals over time, not something that forms part of business as usual or that runs across all work streams. Even when teams have good relationships, the drive to meet individual divisional targets can sometimes distract from one company thinking. I have also found that where collaboration happens it can be left late in the process, this leads to a higher-pressure working environment, which in turn can result in lower quality outputs, mistakes, and stress or anxiety for staff. This could be improved by greater transparency of future workloads and processes that allow adequate time for input from all parties. I believe this will lead to higher quality outputs and more efficient project delivery. This could also lower work-related anxiety and stress, which in turn could also improve staff retention or mental health-related sick leave. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL Consultancy is in a position where it can contribute to all three of the pillars, but the use of Technology during the design stage is something that we are uniquely positioned to drive forward. I am currently working with John Holliday on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) for buried services. I am also looking at how we can use AR to provide clients with a better understanding of the finished product. I am aware that it is possible to provide finished 3D models to our AR partners, which they can then import to their platform. This will allow the finished scheme to be viewed on site via tablets of HoloLens. This will require some investment in the production of 3D models as not all projects we design require this level of detail for approval or construction. We have started to build 3D models of standard HMV infrastructure and have utilised existing software to undertake clash detection. AR visualisation would be the next step. I have also spent some time talking to a cloud-based provider that are able to provide a system where all complex 3D models can be viewed. This removes the requirement for anyone viewing the information to hold an expensive 3D licence. I have always found that explaining 3D interaction to clients on a 2D plan or PDF difficult. Being able to view a 3D model at the same time will greatly improve the ease of conversations with stakeholders and collaboration with design partners. Whilst holding discussion I have confirmed that this would be fully compactable with Asite, which I believe is the favoured provider of our Common Data Environment (CDE). Finally, I have investigated the use of 4D BIM. I have not taken this too far yet as it would only be applicable to larger or more complex schemes. The basic idea here is that you have a 3D model of the site which is coordinated with the build programme. The model can show equipment and all temp works required during any stage of the project, in still images or as a time-lapse video. This could be used to clearly identify H&S risk, access conflicts etc. It could also be a viable way of showing TM and access arrangements during the approvals process of bigger or more complex projects.


Wendy: Application was acceptable. Wider focus was missing.

Sam: Application was acceptable. Concentrated on own divisional area.

Sue: Application was late. Company have spent funds over the last two years already by supporting an NVQ Level 6 in Construction Management and Level 5 Management. Would benefit from consideration next year and perhaps time to put into practice previous studies and what he has learnt.

Decision: Candidate for 2022



Alnur Hassam

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL Speaking about areas of the business that I understand the best (Surfacing and Cabling), the biggest areas of improvement would be to improve the visibility of our operations, having real-time information of what is actually happening on site. We have tools in place but these are heavily reliant on the using and sharing of multiple excel spreadsheets and at best are estimates, not real cost. If these spreadsheets could be joined up as a single complete workflow solution (from planning to actual) and having biometric time and attendance solutions in place, we could significantly reduce admin time, receive real costs and in real time too. Billing could also be automated reducing WIP and invoice processing time and improving cash collection. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL The tool discussed above could be extended further and provide greater benefits into our downstream service divisions to assist in the planning and management of those resources, whilst also helping to achieve reductions in our carbon footprint - therefore the operations-based technology solution discussed above could help serve all three pillars. As an example, real-time site information could assist in identifying when a planing lorry or asphalt is required on a Surfacing site, thereby benefitting the planning and management of these resources. This could help us make better decisions of which lorry to send and when and whether to use internal or external fleet to satisfy the demand. Other benefits would be reducing the amount of waiting time on site, generating the potential of better utilisation of our own fleet, reducing fuel spend, reducing inefficient trip planning, plus further benefits could arise if the same data were available to our service teams to help identify better windows for vehicle and plant servicing. I appreciate that a full-blown workflow solution would require significant investment of time and money and could, as a result, change our method of working. I would therefore recommend a solution aimed at operations with a phased rollout plan. This would get the solution bedded in and understood by operations, from there a separate project could be implemented to identify solutions to better share the information being made available.


Wendy: There are a significant number of spelling errors which could have been avoided. I would have liked to have heard more about what his strengths are and why he should be considered etc - it was very generic and didn’t tell us anything. His suggestion was focused on his area, but the Three Pillars took a wider view. Sam: I feel Alnur’s application was rushed (hence spelling mistakes) and the improvement idea/Three Pillars on real-time information is probably already planned. Leadership description was average and transactional – read more like a project plan/task list so a lot to learn. For me, middle leader. Sue: Without Alnur’s development needs being explained, and/or a strong rationale provided for being selected, it is difficult to ascertain whether he would benefit from taking part in the Aspiring Director programme. His business improvement proposal is an objective already set by his Line Manager in his appraisal rather than a new one. Unfortunately, the significant number of spelling errors created a less professional and considered application.

Decision: Offer Middle Leaders



James Head

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL The question above focuses on improvements, my thoughts are not necessarily an improvement but a process to review how we operate today - this will result in a process that will bring improvements to the business.


Wendy: Application good and his ideas relevant and will have an impact on the business at large. Small team but would benefit from taking part. Sam: Solid application. Ideas showed good understanding of the organisation. Leadership skills on the programme would benefit him.

Self-delivery vs Internal Delivery - Each internal activity can be reviewed. A roots-up review of each self-delivery activity/area to review the following:

• True internal cost and internal profit generated. • What limitations do we have in providing this activity/area, what are the internal cost drivers. • Review of the external market to provide comparisons to internal delivery. Decision matrix can then be developed to understand the advantages or disadvantages (commercial/ operational) of each activity/area to make informed decisions on the ongoing focus of the business. Do we continue to operate the self-delivery or do we outsource/partner etc.

Sue: Late application, but good. Would benefit from taking part in the programme.

Decision: Shortlist

THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL Self-delivery is a key element of FM Conway, with my integration into the supply-chain I have an internal and external view on the approach i.e., External Supply vs Self Delivery.

There are areas where this can be extended and reviewed, for example:

• Self-manufacture of paving mortars (Fine bedding Concrete, Jointing Mortars). • Self-manufacture of White Lining Products.

These would also bring the potential of an external supply and selling to the external market. At the same time I am well positioned to commercially understand if to self-deliver is the correct commercial decision. We need to self-deliver where it makes commercial sense i.e., we can self-deliver under the market rate or equal to including margin.



Liam McGoldrick

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL There are a couple of areas that I can relate to this question. Firstly, utilising Quantity Surveyor’s (QS). Throughout the last two years working on Rochester bridge which was very contractually demanding, the importance of utilising the power of QSing was imperative. So much so that we had a Senior QS and a Junior QS full-time for the whole project. This enabled us to keep up tight with pricing all the contract changes and we also had the contractual knowledge to fight back claims in our favour. What also went hand-in-hand with this was planning. We had a planner on site weekly to update the construction programme and work with any claim’s going on that impact out completion date, so this can all be forecasted in-line with our quotations being issued. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL I am already a lead part as a Senior Manager on the self-delivery model of the Three Pillars. The items that we are making a start on are: • Promotion of Additional apprentices throughout the divisions, as we can prove their worth when managed correctly and give them the respect they require. Our structures apprenticeships have been very successful and will continue to be. • We are going to investigate the options to self-produce our white lining material and look to make this eco-friendlier by adding recycled materials like we do with asphalts. • We are also looking into the legislation of self-delivering asbestos testing, removal and also core/ diamond drilling activities. • We have lots of other ideas we are also running through. Our aim within the business is to do more of these very large, tendered schemes so I feel it’s very important in understanding this requirement while tendering and during large contractual projects.


Wendy: Application more suited to Middle Leaders.

Sam: Not a strong insight into leadership in his application. Ideas lack strategic thinking. Better suited to Middle Leaders for now. Sue: Would benefit from the Middle Leaders Programme working with colleagues from across the organisation. Will give him an opportunity to flourish in a safer environment. His business improvement proposal has identified how we could better use our commercial team. I would have liked him to explain what he could do about spreading the idea across other divisions so the wider business could benefit. Three Pillar ideas brought forward from self-delivery group which he is a member of.

Decision: Offer Middle Leaders



Maria Pratt

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL Culture is critical to the sustainable growth of any business and can determine success regardless of how effective the strategy may be. As we mark our 60th year as a business and embark on our 10-year strategy, it is imperative that we have a strong and healthy culture in place to ensure success.


Wendy: Presentation used for application submission. Very good submission. Idea is relevant - CRM system would benefit the business, particularly taking into account the complex clients the company work for. Sam: Creative professional application. Would benefit from the opportunity to improve her leadership skills and work with a peer group. Sue: One of the first applications received, nicely laid out and professional. Would benefit from taking part in the programme.

We are unique – we must act unique. We are a family-owned business with a family ethos, which allows for an unconventional management style. Our culture MUST reflect this.

A new reward initiative driven and owned by the individual Board Members; each to become an owner of a specific ‘reward’ that is created and decided by the owner and available to all employees:

• Employees as a result have greater opportunity for reward. • Supports our culture of care and family values. • Builds on the relationship between the Board and employees by both identifying areas of interest to individuals on the board and then allowing access to them. • Breaks down barriers between Senior Management and general employees. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System is required to enable our divisions to cross- sell more efficiently. It will enhance our existing self- delivery model whilst removing the reliance on communication between individuals which can be inefficient and unreliable.

Decision: Shortlist

Benefits of a CRM:

• Central information point for client information. • Internal collaboration and cross-sell through shared information access. • Proactive service through the recording of customer interest. • Improved messaging for clients.

• Automation for increased efficiency. • Dashboards to visually showcase data.



Oliver Scutts

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL There must be an improvement on our self-delivery ethos throughout. Whilst I understand the need for internal competition, it is clear that some divisions use the ‘ring fenced’ licence to manipulate others and profiteer without consequence. This behaviour shows little regard for the internal client’s position and displays no attempt to ensure we all profit from our processes. I would like to see a merger of divisional heads to eliminate these bad practices. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL I believe my answer to question 5 gives insight to my desire to push for better self-delivery. I would also like to drive a reduction in carbon through the Specialist Surfacing division, and believe that we could make great progress with the road marking department.


Wendy: Application quality not to the required standard.

Sam: Limited application. Middle Leaders perhaps.

Sue: Application was late. May benefit from Middle Leaders Programme and consider Aspiring Director at a later date. Would be able to obtain a Level 5 management qualification to help with his development as part of Middle Leaders Programme.

Decision: Offer Middle Leaders



Matt Smith



The Problem • We have a large supply chain with no real checks and balances beyond the PQQ. • The process of engagement is inefficient and fragmented, from inception (enquiry) through to completion • In some areas we have little or no choice of SSCP requiring a lengthy on boarding process. • Our SSCP are not aware of our Three Pillar commitment and our associated expectations. • Not maximising the value from existing supply chain relationships. • A lack of maturity when it comes to understand the value SSCP could bring to our clients. • The majority of sub contracts are purely transactional and not strategic. • Ensure a suite of contracts are available and that there is guidance on their suitability for the type and complexity of the works being undertaken. A commercial maturity is required with incentivisation the key. • A lean and efficient procurement process is devised and adopted by all divisions. • Consider the use of framework agreements for long-term contracts. • PQQ to include challenging questions regarding the supply chains environmental and social value credentials. Include details of SSCP in Map16 to allow informed decisions to be made on locality of workforce etc. • The hub would allow us to help support our SSCP with education and collaboration. E-learning courses on topics such as contract knowledge, commercial awareness, FIRS, anti-bribery etc. H&S (Big Ten) • Encourage innovation and technology. In turn we would share vital messages in terms of health and safety incidents etc. • Introduce a rating system to allow the SSCP (1 to 5 stars or Bronze/Silver/Gold) and determine strengths/weaknesses, to improve decision making. • Provide opportunity for the SSCP to demonstrate their alignment to our Three Pillars most importantly Carbon Reduction. The Improvement • A more dynamic and efficient supply chain, working collaboratively with FM Conway to help innovate and effect sustainable change. • Clear benefits will be gained in improved performance, reduction in risk and a buy-in to our H&S culture. The Solution • Overhaul the current process and review the current list of SSCP. Create a hub where we can engage with our SSCP to Show that we value these pillars within our procurement process – value vs price.

Through the development of self-delivery capabilities, build a Structures Waterproofing business to support our existing client base and the wider external market.

Market opportunity • There is a huge under investment in the highway assets such as bridges. It has been identified over 3,000 bridges are in a substandard condition on the UK’s highways with an estimated spend of £5.54 billion required to clear a huge maintenance backlog. (RAC Foundation March 2020). TfL has identified £2b investment required in London’s structures over next 10 years to prevent restrictions or closures. • One of the key elements of structural repair and refurbishment is the waterproofing of structures (mainly bridges) to prevent water ingress. • FM Conway maintains over 600 bridges within TfL, WCC and the London Boroughs. These bridge decks need to be protected from water and contaminants such a gritting salt which can deteriorate them structurally and ultimately reduce the capacity of the structure. This can have a huge impact on the network and affect our ultimate client, the road user. • Last year the Structures team subcontracted circa 25,000m2 of bridge deck waterproofing, spending over £1.2m with our specialist supply chain partners. By self-delivering this service we could reduce our company wide Specialist Supply Chain costs by 5%, plus gain further control with self-delivery. • Based upon estimated costs and our knowledge of sales rates margins in the region of 20% - 25% would be achievable. This would be a 50% increase on current margin for this type of work. • New business would also create downstream work for our Traffic Management, Surfacing and A&A divisions. Any maintenance waterproofing scheme will also produce road planings for the business. Business solution There are two main structural waterproofing products on the market in the UK Matacryl and GCP – Eliminator. Eliminator is the more popular solution and is routinely specified by designers and clients. • Options for how to develop this business are: • Apply to GCP to become a licenced applicator of their Eliminator Product. This will require capital investment in equipment and training of skilled operatives, recruitment of experienced staff to manage the team • Acquire an existing SME who has the aforementioned licences, equipment and team

• Existing customers we have for this service include: • TfL • WCC • London Boroughs

• One off tender such as Rochester Bridge or London Bridge. Potential customers that this service could be marketed towards: • Highways England • Managing Contractor such as Costain, AMEY and Skanska • Counties – Kent, Surrey, Hampshire, Essex

• Further opportunities: • Through the recent acquisition of Toppesfield • Surfacing projects involve the waterproofing of structures



TIMELINE FOR IMPLEMENTATION • 6 to 12 months – Training or Acquisition • 12 to 18 months – Implementation • 18 to 24 months – Strategic growth (new clients). • 24 months onward – Maturity and the development of new services closely linked such injection grouting.

Next steps would be a full business and risk management plan.


Wendy: Very good application. Quality ideas. Excellent presentation.

Sam: Excellent application, stand out one. Structured in his approach. Perfect candidate to take part. Strategic thinking. Sue: Very good presentation. Shortlist. Ideas outside the box. Stand out application. Very well thought out submission. Both proposals could bring benefit to the organisation.

Decision: Shortlist



Andy Thomas

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL Smart Client Development and Opportunity maximisation - at FM Conway, we have always had a core of Local Authority contracts, and they have been the bedrock on which the business has been built. Every client is unique in their approach and their plans for their local areas and in the amount of money that they spend.


Wendy: Good application. Good idea. Well written.

Sam: Good solid application. Showed good leadership reflection. Good idea.

Why is it that some clients have more to spend than others? Sources of funding are varied, but largely fall into 2 main categories:

Sue: Good application, shortlist. Both his proposals well thought out and could benefit the company and our clients.

• Revenue funded – Namely from Revenue generated by the local authority themselves and from central government routine grants. • Capital funded – Funds that the local authority receives from private developers in the area, or from applications to government or bodies such as TFL that the council can make to carry out projects/improvements.

Decision: Shortlist

This latter category is the area that varies greatly from client to client. Some clients are very proactive at chasing all available funding, and some less so.

What is the idea/Opportunity? There is an opportunity for FM Conway to develop an improved knowledge of and a better understanding of potential sources of funding available to local authorities and what these sources of funding are designed to be used for. Using this better understanding, we can take our ideas and initiatives to our clients to explore potential opportunities of securing funding, leading to additional workstreams and revenue for FM Conway, whilst also enhancing our service offering.

THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL From some recent research, I have identified a couple of Mayoral initiatives whereby Councils can obtain grants for projects specifically related to carbon and cleaner air:

• The Mayors Future Neighbourhoods 2030 • The Mayors Carbon offset funds

These are clearly hot topics, and so we should expect projects with green credentials to be the most likely to secure the greatest funds in the coming years. This gives FM Conway a great opportunity to promote our recycling, technological and carbon focused disciplines with our clients, but furthermore, assist them in building their applications to TFL for funding, targeting specific funding streams. When our clients wish to secure funds, they do so by putting an application onto TfL’s portal. TfL will assess applications and provide funding as appropriate. This exercise works best, if we already have in mind where the funds could come from, and we can ensure that the bid targets the key funding criteria. E.g., the Future Neighbourhoods funds above offers support to projects that may fulfil the following criteria:

• Creating a decarbonised, smart, and integrated energy system • Improving air quality and developing zero emission zones • Zero waste, circular economy

From the above criteria, it is clear to see that there are FM Conway initiatives that could fulfil these, such as: SureCharge, LED lighting, smart asset management to reduce waste and target only necessary works, laying of high % RAP or use of cargo bikes or even low carbon plant/vehicles.



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