Great Leaders Programme - Aspiring Directors Application Summary

Jo Barrett

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL Within Term Maintenance there are a wide range of day rates paid to operatives which cause various issues with men working across the different boroughs. I would look to implement a standardised pay scale which would be based on experience, capability, and training. I believe this would offer greater clarity and transparency for both managers and operatives leading to improved staff retention at FM Conway. It would enable operatives to see a clear path for progression and would allow managers to set out clear SMART objectives, that need to be met prior to any pay increase. Alongside this standardised pay scale, I would still maintain price work/productivity bonuses, thereby allowing an opportunity and incentive for operatives to be rewarded. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL Under the pillar of Carbon and the Environment, I would like to re-investigate the re-dressing of granite kerbs for use across Term Maintenance and other areas of the business. I believe with the increased cost of shipping, the drive to reduce our carbon footprint and the wish to be more environmentally friendly, the re-use of kerbs on site is an area where a significant carbon/environmental saving could be made. I first investigated this 15 years ago when, the cost of re-dressing granite kerbs in the UK was considered prohibitive compared to the cost of new ones from China. However, with recent unstable and increased freight costs, and both ourselves and clients wishing to reduce our carbon footprint, this is something that I would like to be investigated again. Priorities have shifted and financial cost can no longer be the main driver. ln addition, there may also be the opportunity to extend this service and supply to a wider market if there is enough appetite within the industry to embrace this. As an example of a current potential opportunity, the Sloane Street scheme in RBKC is looking to replace around 2000m of kerb, which could enable FM Conway to acquire a stock of kerb which could be re-dressed and used on other schemes.


Wendy: Application good. Proposals were good practical ideas. A quiet leader who could benefit from the opportunity to work with his peer group. Supports the sustainability/carbon pillar and commercial benefit for the business and our clients. Sam: Loved his kerb idea. Big picture thinking, thoughtful application. Would benefit from taking part in the programme. Sue: Late with submission, but this was because he was waiting for his Director to confirm he could apply. A good application, well thought out.

Decision: Shortlist



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