Employee Handbook

Resolving problems

If you believe you are being subjected to any harassment then, in the first instance you should ask the offender to stop or make it clear that such attention is unwelcome. If necessary, ask a colleague to help you do this.

We believe that by having clear, open, and fair procedures for the resolution of problems, we create a basis for the fair treatment of all our team.

Such an informal approach may be all that is needed, but you should make a note of the details and keep them.

Disciplinary procedure We expect our people to meet high standards of conduct. Minor deviations from our standards may be dealt with informally to avoid the need to engage with a formal procedure, but there will be occasions when this is not appropriate and the formal Disciplinary Policy will be used.

If the harassment continues, or you feel unable to make the informal approach, please contact your line manager or HR immediately to make a formal complaint.

All complaints will be dealt with seriously and confidentially and FM Conway will not allow any employee making, or being involved in, a complaint to be treated detrimentally as a result.

For more information please see the Disciplinary Policy on the IMS.

If the harassment has taken place, then the accused will be dealt with in accordance with the Disciplinary Policy.

Grievance procedure If you have a grievance relating to any aspect of your employment, you should have no hesitation in raising the matter informally with your line manager. If the grievance cannot be resolved informally and you wish to make a formal grievance, this must be set out in writing to your line manager.

Dealing with poor performance The success of FM Conway depends on our colleagues working together to achieve the best possible standards of performance. We aim to provide support and training to enable all employees to fulfil their potential.

For more information please see the Grievance Policy on the IMS.

Sometimes people perform below the standard that the job requires, despite their best efforts.

Bullying and harassment

In these cases, we believe that it is best to deal with these problems openly and informally in the first instance, and to provide clarity and practical support to improve performance. If informal support does not solve the problem, we may need to move to a formal process, looking at specific areas of performance that aren’t acceptable and creating a plan to address this, including the details of any support, training or development that might be needed to achieve success. The Performance Management process can result in a transfer or a dismissal, but FM Conway will always approach the process as a way to ‘manage up’, not managing out.

FM Conway believes everyone is entitled to work without experiencing harassment, victimisation, or bullying.

Harassment is ‘unwanted conduct affecting the dignity of anyone’. Harassment and bullying may make a person feel humiliated, threatened or that their privacy is being invaded.

We will not condone bullying or harassment at work, with our clients, or at work events.

We expect everyone at FM Conway to comply and treat all colleagues, subcontractors, clients and members of the public with dignity and respect, and so keep our workplace free from unacceptable behaviour. If you believe that you have been subject to, or witnessed, harassment or bullying, you must inform your line manager or HR. Alternatively, if you would like to report it anonymously, use the Speak Out App or telephone helpline 0808 169 1521 .

For more information, please see the Performance Management and Appraisal Policy on the IMS.



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