Great Leaders Programme - Aspiring Directors Application Summary
Alnur Hassam
BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL Speaking about areas of the business that I understand the best (Surfacing and Cabling), the biggest areas of improvement would be to improve the visibility of our operations, having real-time information of what is actually happening on site. We have tools in place but these are heavily reliant on the using and sharing of multiple excel spreadsheets and at best are estimates, not real cost. If these spreadsheets could be joined up as a single complete workflow solution (from planning to actual) and having biometric time and attendance solutions in place, we could significantly reduce admin time, receive real costs and in real time too. Billing could also be automated reducing WIP and invoice processing time and improving cash collection. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL The tool discussed above could be extended further and provide greater benefits into our downstream service divisions to assist in the planning and management of those resources, whilst also helping to achieve reductions in our carbon footprint - therefore the operations-based technology solution discussed above could help serve all three pillars. As an example, real-time site information could assist in identifying when a planing lorry or asphalt is required on a Surfacing site, thereby benefitting the planning and management of these resources. This could help us make better decisions of which lorry to send and when and whether to use internal or external fleet to satisfy the demand. Other benefits would be reducing the amount of waiting time on site, generating the potential of better utilisation of our own fleet, reducing fuel spend, reducing inefficient trip planning, plus further benefits could arise if the same data were available to our service teams to help identify better windows for vehicle and plant servicing. I appreciate that a full-blown workflow solution would require significant investment of time and money and could, as a result, change our method of working. I would therefore recommend a solution aimed at operations with a phased rollout plan. This would get the solution bedded in and understood by operations, from there a separate project could be implemented to identify solutions to better share the information being made available.
Wendy: There are a significant number of spelling errors which could have been avoided. I would have liked to have heard more about what his strengths are and why he should be considered etc - it was very generic and didn’t tell us anything. His suggestion was focused on his area, but the Three Pillars took a wider view. Sam: I feel Alnur’s application was rushed (hence spelling mistakes) and the improvement idea/Three Pillars on real-time information is probably already planned. Leadership description was average and transactional – read more like a project plan/task list so a lot to learn. For me, middle leader. Sue: Without Alnur’s development needs being explained, and/or a strong rationale provided for being selected, it is difficult to ascertain whether he would benefit from taking part in the Aspiring Director programme. His business improvement proposal is an objective already set by his Line Manager in his appraisal rather than a new one. Unfortunately, the significant number of spelling errors created a less professional and considered application.
Decision: Offer Middle Leaders
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