Great Leaders Programme - Aspiring Directors Application Summary
Maria Pratt
BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL Culture is critical to the sustainable growth of any business and can determine success regardless of how effective the strategy may be. As we mark our 60th year as a business and embark on our 10-year strategy, it is imperative that we have a strong and healthy culture in place to ensure success.
Wendy: Presentation used for application submission. Very good submission. Idea is relevant - CRM system would benefit the business, particularly taking into account the complex clients the company work for. Sam: Creative professional application. Would benefit from the opportunity to improve her leadership skills and work with a peer group. Sue: One of the first applications received, nicely laid out and professional. Would benefit from taking part in the programme.
We are unique – we must act unique. We are a family-owned business with a family ethos, which allows for an unconventional management style. Our culture MUST reflect this.
A new reward initiative driven and owned by the individual Board Members; each to become an owner of a specific ‘reward’ that is created and decided by the owner and available to all employees:
• Employees as a result have greater opportunity for reward. • Supports our culture of care and family values. • Builds on the relationship between the Board and employees by both identifying areas of interest to individuals on the board and then allowing access to them. • Breaks down barriers between Senior Management and general employees. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System is required to enable our divisions to cross- sell more efficiently. It will enhance our existing self- delivery model whilst removing the reliance on communication between individuals which can be inefficient and unreliable.
Decision: Shortlist
Benefits of a CRM:
• Central information point for client information. • Internal collaboration and cross-sell through shared information access. • Proactive service through the recording of customer interest. • Improved messaging for clients.
• Automation for increased efficiency. • Dashboards to visually showcase data.
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