Great Leaders Programme - Aspiring Directors Application Summary

Oliver Scutts

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL There must be an improvement on our self-delivery ethos throughout. Whilst I understand the need for internal competition, it is clear that some divisions use the ‘ring fenced’ licence to manipulate others and profiteer without consequence. This behaviour shows little regard for the internal client’s position and displays no attempt to ensure we all profit from our processes. I would like to see a merger of divisional heads to eliminate these bad practices. THREE PILLARS PROPOSAL I believe my answer to question 5 gives insight to my desire to push for better self-delivery. I would also like to drive a reduction in carbon through the Specialist Surfacing division, and believe that we could make great progress with the road marking department.


Wendy: Application quality not to the required standard.

Sam: Limited application. Middle Leaders perhaps.

Sue: Application was late. May benefit from Middle Leaders Programme and consider Aspiring Director at a later date. Would be able to obtain a Level 5 management qualification to help with his development as part of Middle Leaders Programme.

Decision: Offer Middle Leaders



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